Solar generator installation : 15 KW
Have been done :
- APS study
- APD study
- CAD study
- Follow up
- Control
Solar generator installation : 17 KW
Have been done :
- APS study
- APD study
- CAD study
- Follow up
- Control
Solar PV “Hybridization” of isolated thermal mini-grids and access expansion
Have been done :
- APS study
- APD study
- CAD study
- Follow up
- Control
Have been done :
- Borehole (depth : 46 m; diametre : 170/200 mm)
- Auger borehole of 10 m
- Solar pumping system (2 pumps; solar field of 1 800 w + 600 w)
- Irrigation system (2,75 ha) : californian network, by drop and by spray
C-Parc is a fleet management software , with the goal to increase your operation rate, maneuver and balance your budget.
It's a tool to have a global view on your fleet profitability.
You can :
- store information about operations (value, mileage, cars, consumption...)
- record every cost for each vehicle
- record information about drivers (availability, fines...)
- follow income at different levels
- follow the fleet profitability véhicule : individually or collectively
- follow the drivers productivity
C-GMAO is a software for computerized maintenance management, in order to facilitate recording, viewing and analyzing maintenance data.
This tool is very visual, thus allowing you to focus on the ongoing work (without any waste of time).
You can :
- record information about machines (global data, tasks, frequency, type)
- store documents about zones or equipments
- view historic with cost (single or gathered), availability, maintenance quality
- schedule easily shut down by collecting stored tasks
- build program
- view stock status
The PASEC project (Projet d'Appui à l'Agriculture Sensible aux Risques Climatiques) is a partner of CTI Afrique in Niger.
This project is financed by the World Bank to support the agriculture in Niger.
The goal is to allow an agricultural exploitation during the whole year.
This project does the promotion of irrigation new technologies, adapted to climatic changes such as solar pumping
, system of distribution drop by drop, microaspersion, etc.
Have been done :
- APS study
- APD study
- CAD study
- Follow up
- Control
Have been done :
- Thermal study
- Recruitment
- Follow up
Have been done :
- Water drill diagnostic
- Water analyze
Have been done :
- Follow up tools
- Survey tools
- Field surveys
- Survey process
Date base management regarding NGO interventions in Niger
Gas station mapping of Tamoil in Niger and at Niamey
Have been done :
- Data base
- Personnel training